Creative Direction

Creative Direction

Creative Direction & Campaign

A creative director is a “big-picture professional” who maintains a cohesive look and feel of a project, supervises the entire creative process, and guides the team that works under them. The creative team typically includes art directors, copywriters, content strategists, graphic artists, and various designers.

The creative director is typically the head of the creative team. These professionals have the final say on what goes to the client and make important upper-level managerial and creative direction decisions.

Creative directors generally develop and oversee projects at the earliest stages. They cast vision, form concepts and pilot design philosophy. These are the big-picture thinkers of the team. They can close their eyes and see the finished product, even though it hasn’t been created yet. And while their focus is typically on the bigger picture of getting the work done and the direction it’ll take, that doesn’t mean an eye for detail falls to the wayside.

Twitch Streamer DukeOfArabia

One of the biggest projects I've worked on is the DukeOfArabia Brand Identity

I've been the Creative Director and the designer in this project, I've worked on multiple levels such as the general theme, colors, fonts, brand aesthetics and audience theme

I've also worked on the interior of the studios to suit the theme of the brand

Creative Direction :

I Directed the entire rebrand project and launching proccess I also directed teaser campaigns, Donation Alerts, Intros and outros, multiple scenes each with its own purpose, and many other.

Design :

throughout the creative process I've also worked on designing the social media posts, brand identity, assets and elements, stationary, teaser posts, subscription duration icons and merch

Photography :

I've indirectly managed the photo shooting proccess to suit the next step which is photo editing, retouching and manipulating

Cinematography :

I've directed the cinematography and the video making process to suit the brand theme and aesthetics

Advertising :

I've worked on teaser campaigns, pre launch posters and post launch social media theme.

FEAR Awareness Campaign

This Awareness Campaign was a part of my graduation project which I fully directedand executed

Creative Direction :

I Directed the entire branding process and campaign launching I also directed & Designed teaser posts, Business Cards and stationary.

Design :

throughout the creative process I've also worked on designing the campaign posters, brand identity, assets and elements and the stationary

Advertising :

I've worked on teaser